About Stefanie Joseph

CEO of Soul Aligned Services

Offering consulting services that assist entrepreneurs and individuals with aligning and connecting deeply with their soul’s authentic gifts.

Stefanie Joseph CEO Soul Aligned Services

Stefanie Joseph – My Story

Hey there! I’m Stefanie Joseph, founder and Chief Energy Officer of Soul Aligned Services, mother of three, and professional vision launcher.
I want to help you transform your soul-creation into an authentic business. 

Here’s why… 

Multiple journeys to find my soul’s purpose have taught me a lot along the way.  

After many years in the corporate world, in 2013 I decided that I wanted to trade living day-to-day for a more meaningful existence. Once I realized that, a LOT started to happen. I joined groups with other women in business and to learn from others. I dabbled in network marketing and began to think outside of the box about my career path. 

That was phase one of my cocoon.  

I also started to second guess myself and question if I was really ready to create my own business. I found myself comparing my journey to others. What I didn’t understand at the time was that I was on a path of accepting who I really am, what my soul’s purpose is, and what gifts I have to give to the world. This self-acceptance has created a lot of clarity for me. Combined with a bit of trial and error, I developed a method for understanding personal brilliance that skips a lot of the bumps in the road that I faced.  

Additionally, discovering Gene Keys and Human Design in 2018 was a major revelation to me and one of the huge A-HA moments in giving myself permission to be me and how to serve others. It is one of the items in my toolbox that I use to learn about my clients and uncover how they can use their brilliance to reach their perfect customers and share their one-of-a kind services. 

Enter phase two of transformation. 

I have the business know-how to help you turn your inner dreams and desires into a joyful and soul-connected career path.  

I am truly thankful for the corporate experience that I have gained during my cocoon phase. Using my extensive background in business, project management, and corporate operations, I support others to gain clarity around their vision and then share it with the world. I know that once you become fully aligned with your inner world, you naturally begin to create and attract prosperity and abundance. 

I am here to work with:

  • People who desire to make a difference and help others.
  • Heart-centered business owners and soul leaders who desire to serve through alignment. 
  • Abundance-minded people who know that there is enough to go around. 
  • Entrepreneurs who know they can’t do it all! They are the genius to their brand and desire support in expanding their unique visions.  

“Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed and my perspective feels cloudy, I know to reach out to Stefanie. She quickly and effectively identifies what’s blocking my view and asks great questions to help me find a creation solution for my plight. She reminds me of truth and the wisdom that lies within my soul.” ~Kim O.~

Why Work With Me?

I am passionate about personal acceptance and alignment. I combine this love with practical and extensive corporate experience to support you to create a soul-aligned business. Taking a bird’s eye view of your vision, supported by intuitive skills, I assist entrepreneurs in piecing everything together and creating your ideal business that supports your authentic gifts and values.

My desire is to see more kick-ass individuals living in alignment and love. I know that you are one of these people with something unique to offer. I also know that when we create from a pure and authentic place, we do our part to create a synergistic world with limitless possibilities for ourselves and everyone we meet. 

Want to get creating? Schedule your complimentary business consultation here.